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Super_Krass's Web Page
![]() Inside Joke List
![]() -gay bag
-sonofabitch lift *hop hop hop*
-Diving through the floor
-'cobey dick poured BEER on my HEAD'
-Jack Rabbit Johnny
-'a little more than hot coholate'
-Blink Chik part 1 = "is it a man?!" falling out of chair-ness!
-Blink Chik part 2 = "did I...fuck 'er?"
-blah-blah-blah! you turkey!
- Pixie Stix Physics (it goes Up)
-Bite me bitch (blade)
-Kiss my arse
-Heather and a lap full of beer
-Shut the fuck up you fucking suck!
-LATERNENFEST (pics later)
- Whoop-die-doo, what does it all mean basil?
- Peter and Peter co
-"A coke with 'lemon'"
-16th Bday Coupons
- Papa Roach-Ski Trip hangoverness
-Referee (hand/bowel)
-Wok-inn (sperm fry!)
-killer eraser
-inability to eat food in mel's room
-noelle getting hit by a train
-inability to *see* Mel's room until stickers
-precision shot
-1 little, 2 little, 3 little indians (chad)
-hand motions
-relieve your weasel
-you're gay and pregnant
-Bird outta head
-Beenz means gold...don't eat the fried shit
-the big shit
-papa roach flynn chik
-pants when wet go see through
-macarena/mike seymour
-*always* wear a belt (bridges are evil!!!)
-Keys are dangerous (especially when swung)
-Warning: this peanut container may contain peanuts
-Sticker happy
-the number game
-running into a penis
-Mr.Poole 9th grade maths
-eat a leaf, get detention (Ms.Hoegar!)
-Macking on Mel's wall is not allowed
-Chipmunk cheeks
-Grinch grin
-Pink hair
-Laugh-fests are healthy pick me ups
-*don't* eat perfume
-The camara! it won't work! *flash* ow!*flash* help! *flash*
-Mel slipping/flipping off bench (damn that ice)
-the BAD liqour
-Midol and its effects on guys
-Beer and Mel's dad "it's water"
-Signing Chris's Ass
-Breaking Blink Cds (you're cursed)
-The "rats" aka guinea pigs
-Digital Makeovers
-Ditching Angie for Alex
-The Brian Hat
-Chirping phones!
-FIS fucking sucks
-Tripping over phone cords
-Michael Jackson gloves
-8 inches
- I----I Burton
- smokingness/weed (papa roach)
- Mel can read minds
- falling off of mel's windowsill "I'm falling!""Then stand!""I can't!"*THUD*
-Falling *out* of Mel's window
-Describing cherries -Mrs.Vollmar
-Emillie Stuart's long jump face
-Corving porno photography
-Chair against wall at mel's party - 2 people *still* fell out
-Tree, ski lift. 'nuff said
-Girl Magazines are so much fun
-Being scared of Mel's dad
-You don't know Jack
-Uno, the deck split 3 ways
-Non gay rainbow
-only interesting part....cow died
-"now I know why god put you people on an island"
-Fuck with the best, die like the rest
-Matching burton boxers
And so much more that we forgot but will one day remember :)